Saturday, January 21, 2012

time stands still

sometimes we get caught up in the little things that hurt our feelings or make us mad. i'm honestly the worst offender. but last night, just when i thought that my life was over because of THE stupidest thing in the world, i came to the realization that i have amazing friends! like the best friends in the world. and my best friend that so rudely left me on April 10th, 2011, she's STILL here for me... all the time. sure, it really sucks that i can't trust the person i've been friends with the longest. and it really sucks that i cannot bring myself to stop letting him hurt me, but it doesn't matter in the end. because it just shows his true colors, the ones that you only see in the dark. so without facing the problems that we have, i would have never seen the real him. not the person he pretends to be when everything is going well, but the person he truly is when things get hard. i should have known a long time ago that he would never be true to me... because i've only had one really hard experience in my life and he was conveniently unavailable to me at that time. so all that i'm saying is this: people are going to screw with you. life is going to screw with you. but REAL friends, they make the hardest things seem perfectly fine. they understand that sometimes you just need to cry... or scream,... or fight someone (cass). haha so as long as you're surrounded by true friends, everything will be fine. the boy will still break your heart, but your friends will be there to say, "lets go egg his house. and that stupid girl's too." and you'll still lose people you love... but your friends will be there to listen while you cry your eyes out but can't find words to explain how you actually feel about it. and you'll still fight with your parents, because they pick on you ALL THE TIME!! but your friends will be there to say, "parents just don't understand." and in those times when you think you'll never recover from whatever it is you're going through, those times when the clock stops and your heartache seems like it will last forever, your friends will make you laugh so hard that time goes by so quickly and before you know it, you're on to the next heartache. so the never-ending cycle continues, but the thing that's always the same is that your friends have your back. always.

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